Notes for coverage.pdf. The PDF shows the increase of code coverage (y1-axis, red-line) and number of invoked methods (y2-axis, blue-line) as obtained during dynamic analysis (x-axis). The x-axis shows the different simulations that were triggered during analysis: B: Boot i: incoming sms o: outgoing sms I: Incoming phone call O: Outgoing phone call N: Network discconet L: Low battery P: another Package install/update/removal E: monkey Exerciser [1] Analysis was completed after 202 seconds. Note that normally, there would also be A: Activity simulation S: Service simulation The Obad sample, however, exploits a bug in the way AndroidManifest.xml is parsed that cause our static analysis to fail. When compared against manual analysis, the code coverage value can be used to determine the effectiveness of our simulation platform. [1].